Case Studies

Financial Advice That Makes a Difference

The journey toward financial freedom should be smooth, secure and successful. Getting the right advice can play a role in making that happen. We understand that great financial planning is not about a quick-fix, it’s about a well-structured plan that helps you recognise opportunities, consolidate gains and protect against risks and enjoyment of life without financial concerns.

We equip ourselves with the very best knowledge, insight and wisdom so that we can assist clients at different life stages, to have a practical financial strategy that will enable them to reach their financial goals sooner.

But what about you? What are your financial goals?

Could a financial plan inspire, equip and empower you to make them reality? We believe it can, and we can help you make it happen.

Let’s look at how we can help you.

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Who Can Benefit From Our Advice?

If you’re just starting out on your financial journey, perhaps you have started your first job and you want to make the most of your income and reduce debt, such as a HECS debt or personal loan.

We can help you establish a financial plan and a budget that addresses your investment, superannuation and insurance advice needs, which are the building blocks of your financial future.

Read our case study.

At this point in your life your priorities may be changing, but you still want to build wealth. Perhaps you are on a reasonable income and you want advice on ways in which to grow and protect your money. Your financial adviser can help.

We can consider the financial security of your loved ones, while you continue to grow your investment and super assets. Yes, it is possible to continue on a financial journey even with an active lifestyle or the expense of a young family.

Read our case study.

If you are in the 45 – 55 age bracket you might be at a point in your life where your income is getting higher, but your commitments and expenses are also greater. We can show you how your investments and super can flourish while maintaining financial security through an insurance protection plan.

This is also a good time to look at pre – retirement strategies so when the time comes, you have a sound plan in place to take you smoothly into retirement.

At this stage in your life, we can give you the sophisticated advice you need.

Read our case study.

The run up to retirement presents some unique opportunities to restructure your super and investments, save tax and set yourself up for a worry-free future. We have the know-how to make it work for you.

When you are ready to relax in to retirement you want a secure income, to maximise Centrelink benefits and the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have a plan to make sure your assets are passed on the way you want them to be.

We can help reduce any stress about your retirement, so you can live the lifestyle you want.

Read our case study.

We all want to be young for as long as possible, enjoying the best life has to offer, but inevitably, we all get older and our needs and level of care change as we enter different phases of our life.

Managing these changes can be stressful and emotional as we want to make good decisions for ourselves and those we care about.

As a professional financial adviser specialising in aged care, we can help you understand where to start. We can explain the types of care, cost, whether you need to consider selling the family home and how the age pension comes in to play.

Aged care can be complex and the rules and legislation are constantly evolving, but you don’t need to be overwhelmed. Some sound advice can help you understand your options.

If you are considering being the trustee of your own superannuation fund via a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) you will be responsible for the ongoing management of the fund. This involves making investment decisions and ensuring the fund complies with relevant legislation.

Compared to many other superannuation funds, a SMSF can provide control, may deliver cost savings and offer wider investment choice and flexibility.

Before you decide to set up a SMSF, we can help you to understand the time and the skills required, as well as your ongoing obligations and responsibilities as a SMSF trustee.

To give yourself the greatest opportunity to run a well-managed and compliant SMSF, talk to us so we can discuss your individual needs and objectives and help you decide if a SMSF is right for you.

Read our case study.

Insurance is designed to protect you if things go wrong. You probably have insurance on your house and car, perhaps you have private healthcare, but do you have wealth protection insurance?

It can be easy to neglect wealth protection insurance such as Income Protection, trauma insurance and total and permanent disability insurance. This insurance cover is designed to protect your family and your lifestyle if things go wrong. In many cases when our clients first come to us, they do not understand the full value of protecting day to day living expenses should you be unable to earn an income.

We can discuss your needs and outline some affordable options. In some cases the premiums can be tax deductible.

We can share some real client examples with you, to highlight just how beneficial a good wealth protection plan is.

Read our case study.

Our clients enjoy the freedom of running their own business, being their
own boss and building relationships with their clients who value the

service they provide. With hard work and careful planning, self-
employment can bring financial and lifestyle rewards. But without the
certainty of a regular income, being a business owner requires support so
you can grow and prosper.

As a financial adviser, we can discuss ways to assist with the following:

  • Retirement planning strategies
  • Tax minimisation
  • Partnership split-up
  • Wealth protection
    Risk management strategies, to safeguard your business from unexpected events.

We can discuss wealth protection options for your business and tailor
specific strategies to help you manage the risks and safeguard your
business from unexpected events.

When it is time to hang up your boots and sell your business, we can
provide advice on the following:

  • Retirement planning strategies
  • Tax minimisation
  • Partnership split-up
  • Wealth protection
    Risk management strategies, to safeguard your business from unexpected events.

Read Our Case Study.